About Us
When you lose your phone
I remember a time, maybe 20 years ago, when mobile phones were these objects making our lives easier, allowing us to stay in touch with people but still not the ‘smart’ technological gadgets they are now. I have my friends' words in my memory as he was...
read moreWhen working from home…
Being productive when working from home is not always easy… and now it looks like we’ll be stuck at home for much longer than expected… so how can we improve?
read moreCovid Refugees
Are you a Covid Refugee?
Today we have a different kind of crisis and the Yuppie and Bitch Moan and Whiners, who essentially were the new money elites, have been replaced by a more general worker-based population. There are no elites. No one group is more or less effected. Covid 19 has hit every member of society and has given rise to Covid Refugees.
Keeping your team motivated in difficult times
Working from home may seem easy at times, but how do you ensure your team works at its best? Tips to keep working as a team when you’re distancing
read moreThe 5 stages of a Pandemic
Nothing makes you creative like idle time... so I've been thinking, how do we manage these unprecedented times emotionally? There are lots of psychological approaches to loss, denial and many other difficult situations... so what about a pandemic? what are the stages...
read moreDesign your new normal
Define your purpose in uncertain times… how can you monetise on what you’re really really good at … and what is that?
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